When this func�on is ac�ve, the radio keys will automa�cally
lock a�er 15 seconds of non-use.
The keys can be manually unlocked/locked by long pressing the
# key
25.S-ADD1 (Scan Add)
Keys shorcut [MENU] [ 26]
ON: the current channel is added to scan list 1
OFF: removes the current channel from scanning
26.S-ADD2 (Scan Add)
Keys shorcut [MENU] [26]
ON: the current channel is added to the scan list 2
OFF: removes the current channel from scanning
27. STE (Squelch tail elimina�on)
Keys shorcut [MENU] [27]
This func�on eliminates the final squelch noise between radios
that communicate directly, without a repeater. Receiving a 55Hz
or 134.4Hz tone mutes the sound long enough to prevent the
recep�on of any final squelch noise.
28.RP-STE (Elimina�on of repeater final squelch noise)
Keys shorcut [MENU] [28]