Keys shorcut [MENU] [8]
Determines when DTMF sidetones can be heard in the radio
speaker. Op�ons:
Off: no side-tone DTMF
DT-ST: side tones are only heard from manually added DTMF
ANI-ST: side-tones are heard only from automa�cally added
DTMF codes
DT+ANI: all DTMF side-tones are heard
9. Frequency offset
Keys shorcut [MENU] [9]
You can set the devia�on between TX and RX. The frequency
offset of this radio is 00.000- 99.998MHz.
10. Bandwidth
Keys shorcut [MENU] [10]
Op�ons: Wide 25KHz and Narrow 12.5KHz.
Note: in channel mode, this op�on cannot be changed.
11. SCR
Keys shorcut [MENU] [11]
Encrypted communica�on
Op�ons: OFF; 1-10; up to 10 types of frequencies.