Like DCS codes, CTCSS tones can be added to channels to create
private channels. Op�ons:
67.0 - 254.1Hz
There are 50 CTCSS tone groups.
Note: In channel mode, this func�on cannot be changed.
6. DCS transmission (Tx DCS)
Keys shorcut [MENU] [ 6]
R-DCS (D023N-D754N (normal DCS), R-DCS (D023I-D754I)
(reversed DCS)
There are 208 groups of normal and reversed DCS codes. Note:
In channel mode, this func�on cannot be changed.
7. CTCSS transmission (Tx CTCSS)
Keys shorcut [MENU] [7]
Like DCS codes, CTCSS tones can be added to channels to create
private channels. Op�ons:
67.0 - 254.1Hz
There are 50 groups of CTCSS tones
Note: In channel mode, this func�on cannot be changed.