3. Rotate the self-blocking screw clockwise
in order to reduce the braking couple.
4. Verify that the brake has been released
with the motor running.
When any irregularity is detected at the brake,
check that the clearance (15) is a minimum of 0.6
mm and 0.8 mm maximum.
In order to adjust clearance:
1. Extract the hood (4) and the extractor (5).
2. Loosen the screws (6).
3. In the event that the motor does not
rotate when it is started up, rotate the nut
(7) anti clockwise from 1/3 to 1/4th turn, in
order to increase clearance. In the event
that the brake shows signs of wear, rotate
clockwise, in order to decrease clearance.
TYPE "B" MOTORS (see drawing)
If any irregularity is observed in the same, check
the clearance. The wear of the lining of the
brake accounts for an increase in the clearance.
In order to adust the clearance:
1. Take out the hood (23), the fan (22), the
circlip (30), the back support of the brake
disc (8) and the circlip (17).
2. Either add or take off adjustment washers
(18) to obtain a clearance of 0.3 to 0.4 mm.
B) Adjustment of the Load limiter or
Friction Clutch.
The load limiter, or friction clutch, or load limiter,
has been factory adjusted at 120% of rated load,
as per chain hoist plate of characteristics.
Under normal conditions, and operating bellow
the established load limits, it is not necessary to
regulate the limiter, since wear or friction discs is
practically non existent.
When it becomes necessary to adjust the clutch,
do as follows:
1. Lift the chain hoist with load equal to the
maximum indicated on the identification
plate of the chain hoist.
2. Release the cover of the bearing crankcase
3. Rotating the self blocking screw clockwise
(towards the right), regulate in such a way
that it prevents hoisting when load exceeds
the 20% limit of the rated load of the chain
ubstitution of the load chain.
In order to replace this chain, do the following:
1. Unscrew the fixation screw (46) of the top part
of the hanging chain (34).
2. Slowly lower the chain until the end of the
same overhangs approximately 10 cm form the
chain hoist.
3. To unite, with an elastic or sensible wire piece,
the end of the hanging chain with the first link
of the new chain. This link should be located
lengthwise to the union of the bodies, avoiding
all torsion between the nut of the chain hoist
and the point of anchorage of the combined
revolvable hook of load (or between the nut of
the chain ois and the point of anchorage of the
combined revolvable hook of load (or between
the nut of the chain hoist and the nut of the
combined load pulley wheel, in the evento of
chain hoist of 2 chain falls), maintaining the