Declaration Of Conformity - Mettler Toledo PANTHER PLUS Guia Del Usuario

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Déclaration de conformité
Declaración de Conformidad
Dichiarazione di conformità
Mettler-Toledo, Inc.
1150 Dearborn Drive
Worthington, Ohio 43085
declare under our sole responsibility that the product,
erklären, in alleiniger Verantwortung, daß dieses Produkt,
déclarons sous notre seule responsabilité que le produit,
declaramos, bajo nuestra sola responsabilidad, que el producto,
verklaren onder onze verantwoordelijkheid, dat het product,
dichiariamo sotto nostra unica responsabilitá, che il prodotto,
to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the following standard(s) or other normative document(s).
auf das sich diese Erklärung bezieht, mitder/den folgenden Norm(en) oder Richtlinie(n) übereinstimmt.
Auquel se réfère cette déclaration est conforme à la (aux) norme(s) ou au(x) document(s) normatif(s).
Al que se refiere esta declaración es conforme a la(s) norma(s) u otro(s) documento(s) normativo(s).
Waarnaar deze verklaring verwijst, aan de volende norm(en) of richtlijn(en) beantwoordt.
A cui si riferisce questa dichiarazione è conforme alla/e sequente/i norma/e o documento/i normativo/i.
in combination with a weighing platform produced by Mettler-Toledo is in conformity with the following directives and standards.
Council directive on the harmonization of the laws of the Member states:
relating to non-automatic weighing instruments (90/384/EEC) amended by directive
relating to electromagnetic compatibility (89/336/EEC) amended by directive
(93/68/EEC; 92/31/EEC)
relating to electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits
(73/23/EEC amended by directive (93/68/EEC)
Worthington, Ohio USA,
November, 2000
Darrell Flocken, Manager - Weights & Measures
Office of Weights and Measures
Original issue:
January, 1997
February, 1997
November, 2000
added compliance to Non-automatic Weighing Instrument Directive
added compliance to Heavy Industrial Immunity, EN 50082-2
EN 45501:1992
EN 55022, B
EN 50082-2
EN 60950
Mettler-Toledo, Inc.
According to EN 45014


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