Volume flow calculations
Exam types
Consider the following factors when performing volume flow measurements:
The factors identified in the literature that affect the accuracy are as follows:
Difficulty ensuring uniform insonation of the vessel. The system is limited to the following sample
volume sizes:
C60xi transducer: 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12 Gate Size (mm)
Gynecology (Gyn) calculations
Exam types
Measurements and calculations
To avoid incorrect calculations, verify that the patient information, date, and time
settings are accurate. To avoid misdiagnosis or harming the patient outcome,
start a new patient information form before starting a new patient exam and
performing calculations. Starting a new patient information form clears the
previous patient's data. The previous patient's data will be combined with the
current patient if the form is not first cleared.
To avoid incorrect calculations, verify that the patient information, date, and
time settings are accurate. To avoid misdiagnosis or harming the patient
outcome, start a new patient information form before starting a new patient
exam and performing calculations. Starting a new patient information form
clears the previous patient's data. The previous patient's data will be combined
with the current patient if the form is not first cleared.