Cuatro de instrumentos - contrato de
Una licencia es un contrato que concede
autorización para desempeñar cierta actividad
o a explotar un derecho, según las condicio-
nes indicadas en el contrato. El siguiente
texto presenta los términos y condiciones de
Volvo con fabricantes y diseñadores y está en
Combined Instrument Panel Software
Open Source Software Notice
This product uses certain free / open source
and other software originating from third
parties, that is subject to the GNU Lesser
General Public License version 2 (LGPLv2),
The FreeType Project License ("FreeType
License") and other different and/or additional
copy right licenses, disclaimers and notices.
The links to access the exact terms of
LGPLv2, and the other open source software
licenses, disclaimers, acknowledgements and
notices are provided to you below. Please
refer to the exact terms of the relevant
License, regarding your rights under said
licenses. Volvo Car Corporation (VCC) offers
to provide the source code of said free/open
source software to you for a charge covering
the cost of performing such distribution, such
as the cost of media, shipping and handling,
upon written request. Please contact your
nearest Volvo Dealer.
En el cuadro de instrumentos analógico, la hora se muestra en el centro.
The offer is valid for a period of at least three
(3) years from the date of the distribution of
this product by VCC / or for as long as VCC
offers spare parts or customer support.
Portions of this product uses software
copyrighted © 2007 The FreeType Project
( All rights reserved.
Portions of this product uses software with
Copyright © 1994–2013, PUC-Rio
This product includes software under
following licenses:
LGPL v2.1:
GNU FriBidi
The FreeType Project License: http://
FreeType 2
03 Instrumentos y mandos
MIT License: