Morris Magneto Classic for
Sidevalves and Sportsters
Morris Magneto Classic
for OHV Big Twins
13-240, 13-265
Editorial ID
A magneto is an ignition system that works independently from the
remaining wire circuit of the motorcycle. Basically the magneto is
a dynamo whose spool works as an ignition coil at the same time.
The breaker points and condensor are integrated in the magneto.
The breaker cam is aligned to the rotating permanent magnet in a
way that the generated primary current is interrupted by the breaker
points at the peak voltage point. This way the most powerful spark
is generated. Construction and firing order wise most magnetos are
dual fire systems, which means that always one cyclinder is firing
empty. Morris offers a conversion kit to single fire that works elect-
ronically. With two of those kits one magneto can control four spark
plugs. The kit makes use of the fact that with each ignition stroke the
magneto coil alternates the direction of the current.
A magneto produces exactly the current that is necessary to produce
a spark at the plugs. In contrary to some assumptions you still need
a generator or alternator, if you want to drive at night. Most road
traffic laws demand equipping the motorcycle with lights. Since the
electric system of the motorcycle no longer provides ignition power
for an idling engine, a battery eliminator (WW 13-122) will suffice
as electric load on the regulator. A battery eliminator in turn will
require the light to stay on permanently while the engine is running.
© W&W Cycles AG
Wiring plan of a amgneto:
① Spark plugs
② Coil
③ Breaker points
④ Condenser
⑤ Connector screw
⑥ External terminal
Preparing the installation
The breaker cam and rotor of the magnetos described here spin
clockwise (seen from above, with the magneto lid removed). The
housing, lid, bearings, contact breaker points and condensers are
identical and exchangeable. The differences between the magnetos
are the shafts and shaft housings, which always can be separated
from the magneto housing proper.
Make sure you have all the parts and tools needed for a successful
installion. Read the instructions fully and make sure the purchased
magneto kit is complete. If there are questions, do not hesitate to
contact us.
Before you remove the old timing system rotate the crankshaft to the
front cylinder advanced spark timing position. The crankshaft should
not be rotated during the installation procedure. The right tool for
blocking the crankshaft is WW 98-083. No you can completely remo-
ve the old timing system.
Sportsters →1970 and Sidevalves:
Position the shaft in the gear case cover and screw in the #12-24
Allen bolts to keep the shaft in place. Do not tighten the bolts yet.
Place the magneto head testwise on the shaft and check, if the posi-
tion of the cam lobe is correct for ignition timing. Keep in mind that
on turning the gear one tooth farther or back you change also the
position of the hex end of the shaft. This feature can in fact be used
for fine-tunng the magneto head position: turning the gear two teeth
forwards or backwards equals 72°. Since the edges of the hexagon
are 60° apart, the rotor position is chnaged only 12° in relation to
the breaker point cam. By turning the gear three teeth forwards or
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