No matter what type it is, the battery may discharges and power may drop after a long store time. After removing from the vehicle and fully
recharge, store it in a cool and well ventilated place.
When the vehicle is not used for a long time, remove the negative (-) wire from battery.
Spark plug
After the first 1000 km and every 3000 km thereafter, clean off any carbon deposit from spark plug by using a small steel wire brush or a spark
plug cleaner. Readjust the spark plug gap with a thickness feeler to keep it between 0.6 - 0.8 mm. Replace spark plug every 6000 km.
When cleaning off carbon deposit, observe the color of the ceramic tip of spark plug. The color can tell you if standard spark plug suit your
usage. If a standard spark plug shows wet or very dark, it may be better to use a spark plug with lower caloric value. A normal working spark
plug shall be light gray or cotton yellow. If a spark plug is very white or even glowing, it means the spark plug was working in overheated
conditions. Replace it with a spark plug of higher caloric value
Spark plug shall not be over tightened to prevent the threads of cylinder head from being damaged. When spark plug is removed, prevent any
impurities from getting into the engine through spark plug hole.