This paragraph concerns a quick procedure to set the control unit and set it at work immediately.
We recommend following these instructions, in order to check quickly the correct operation of control unit, motor and
accessories, and then changing the configuration in case of any non-satisfactory parameter.
1. Call up the default configuration: see paragraph "LOADING OF DEFAULT PARAMETERS"
2. Set items StoP, Fot1, Fot2, CoS1, CoS2 according to the safety devices installed on the gate.
3. Start the self-learning cycle: see paragraph "SELF-LEARNING OF WORKING TIMES "
4. Check that the automation work properly and if necessary modify the configuration of the desired parameters.
For the position of the item menus inside the main menu and for the options related to each item menu, refer to the paragraph
If necessary, it is possible to restore all parameters to their standard or default values (see the final summary table).
PLEASE NOTE: This procedure results in the loss of all customised parameters, and hence it has been included outside the
configuration menu, in order to minimise the likelihood of it being run in error.
1. Press and hold the OK key until the display shows -dEF
2. Release the OK key: the display shows ESC (only press the OK key if it is desired to exit this menu)
3. Press the i key: the display shows dEF.
4. Press the OK key: the display shows no
5. Press the i key: the display shows Si
6. Press the OK key: all parameters are overwritten with their default values (see Chapter 13.2), the control units exits programming
mode and the display shows the control panel.