Getting started
Check of
In order to check the proper operation of the oscilloscope, perform the
following operations:
1. Power up the oscilloscope.
Press "Default Setup" to load the default configuration of the oscilloscope.
The default attenuation of the probe is 1X.
2. Set the switch of the probe to 1X and connect the probe to channel CH1.
Turn to the right to lock. Connect the end of the probe and the crocodile clip
of the earthing cable to the 1kHz probe compensation signal output
3. Press "AUTO" to display the 1kHz square wave with a peak-to-peak
amplitude of approximately 3V.
4. Press the "CH1" key to unselect channel CH1. Press the "CH2" key to
activate channel CH2 and repeat steps 2 and 3 to display the square-wave
probe compensation signal on channel CH2.
Two-channel digital Oscilloscopes