The two-year guarantee from date of purchase of your Louis Vuitton Tambour Horizon
All manuals and user guides at
and one-year guarantee for accessories from date of purchase of Your Louis Vuitton
Tambour Horizon covers any function defect arising during normal use of the device
in accordance with the Louis Vuitton Tambour Horizon's technical specifications,
user manuals. This could be, for instance, power on/off issue, charging issue, display
malfunction, impossibility to use normally applications or watch functions due
to your Louis Vuitton Tambour Horizon defect. This guarantee can be enforced
in the countries where the Louis Vuitton Tambour Horizon is distributed. Any non-arguable
quality defects on the cosmetics or product mechanical functions that are obviously
coming from a component quality problem or Louis Vuitton Tambour Horizon
mis-assembly by Louis Vuitton are covered.
In addition, certain limiting conditions do apply and for this reason it is essential
that you read the following paragraphs:
What are the limiting conditions of this guarantee?
To benefit from this international limited guarantee the following conditions must be met:
• the international limited guarantee stamp, located in the guarantee booklet you received
with your Louis Vuitton Tambour Horizon, must be enclosed with your Louis Vuitton
Tambour Horizon when returned to a Louis Vuitton store for repair and must be signed
and dated at the time of purchase;
• Louis Vuitton will not honor the guarantee for your Louis Vuitton Tambour Horizon sold
without a valid guarantee stamp properly filled out and signed by a Louis Vuitton store;