for it if he had known of the defects", and to the first paragraph of article 1648
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of the same Code "an action resulting from redhibitory defects must be brought
by the buyer within two years from the discovery of the defect". With respect
to the guarantee of conformity, according to articles L217-4 and L217-5 of the French
Consumer Code "the seller shall deliver a product which conforms to the contract
and is held liable for any lack of conformity which exists upon delivery. He is also held
liable for any lack of conformity caused by the packaging or the assembly instructions,
or the installation if he assumed responsibility therefor or had it carried out under
his responsibility" and "the product conforms the contract:
1. if it is suitable for the purpose usually associated with such a product and,
if applicable: - correspond to the description given by the seller and has the features
that the seller presented to the buyer in the form of a sample or model;
2. - if it has the features that a buyer might reasonably expect to have considering
the public statements made by the seller, the producer or his representative, including
advertising and labeling;
3. or if it has have the features defined by mutual agreement between the parties
or be suitable for any special requirement of the buyer which was made known
to the seller and which the latter agreed to". In addition, an "action resulting
from a lack of conformity lapses two years after delivery of the product"
(article L217-12 of the French Consumer Code).