Warning: ACB and SDCB are single use and should only be used to clean
one set of attachments.
Caution: For MA-D20-G1 and Minimal Access Attachment Bearing
Sleeves use SDCB only. Do not force ACB or SDCB into or through
attachments or bearing sleeves. Do not use pipe cleaners.
Figure 1
4. Rinse Thoroughly
• Rinse device thoroughly using running hot deionized, distilled, or
purified water for a minimum of 2 minutes.
• Use a syringe or pipette filled with hot deionized, distilled or purified
water to flush lumens or channels.
• Manipulate any moving parts such as release sleeves (Figure 1).
Caution: Do not use high pressure water or air. Do not rinse attachment
with saline solution.
5. Inspect
• Visually inspect attachment for soil. Repeat Steps 2 thru 5 if visible
soil remains.
6. Go to Mechanical/Automated Cleaning section for further instructions.
Warning: Manual pre-cleaning must be followed by mechanical/
automated cleaning.
Mechanical/Automated Cleaning
Note: Prior to using G1 Cleaning and Sterilization Basket for first time,
attach connector sleeve to basket by clipping onto internal support structure
(Figure 2). The connector sleeve should remain with basket for future use.
1. Loading the Basket
• Load devices in G1 Cleaning and Sterilization Basket by securing
them in appropriate brackets, as shown in G1 Cleaning and
Sterilization Basket Loading Diagram, with distal end angled down
where applicable.
• Place connector sleeve on connector end of electric handpiece
(Figure 3).
Release Sleeve