Name of currently selected profile is displayed in the bottom line. The profile can be selected
individually for working mode. The balance saves the last used profile in each working mode (with
your modifications) and starts operation with that profile selected.
* In any working mode press F quick access key to which <PROFILE> option is ascribed (for
detailed instruction on how to ascribe quick access keys, refer to F Shortcut keys section of
this user manual) or select <PROFILE> option upon pressing
* Using navigating keys, select profile and press
* The balance returns to weighing mode and operates in accordance with set profile.
11.2.5. WEIGHING Mode Settings - Readout
The software allows setup of operating parameters (filters, value release and autozero function,
deleting the last digit and other settings) separately for each working mode. Only for User profile you
can modify all settings. For other profiles (Fast, Fast dosing, Precision) Filter and Value release
parameters are default and cannot be modified.
It enables customizing the instrument and utilizing its properties depending on your needs and
expectations, or on specific requirements for selected working mode (e.g. DOSING); as a result the
device operation is quick and easy.
Filter level setting (function unavailable for the following profiles: Fast, Fast dosing,
Filter settings adjustment depends on the working environment. For the best possible conditions the
filter can work in a very fast mode (V.FAST value for Filter parameter); however, if the conditions are
poor (shakes, drafts), the filter should be set to slow or very slow option (SLOW or V. SLOW value for
Filter parameter). The effectiveness of the filter is different throughout the weighing range. The filter
works slower when "approaching" the weighed mass, it works more intensively for weighed mass
within the set range of the filter (the parameter for setting filter range is accessible only from the
service menu – the user does not have any access to it).
Depending on the filter, the weighing time is shorter (V.FAST and FAST) or longer (SLOW and V.
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