The servomotor (air and gas) is controlled by the ETAMATIC
equipment according to an already set work curve. The travel from
minimum to maximum is limited by two adjustable cams (2 and 3).
A potentiometer (8) is connected to the ETAMATIC equipment and
communicates the position of the servomotor to it according to a
value expressed in digits.
Servomotor replacement
To replace the servomotor, proceed as follows:
a) Disconnect the cables from the servomotor terminal block and
remove the servomotor from the fixing bracket.
b) Fix the new servomotor to the fixing bracket and reconnect the
cables as shown in the burner wiring diagram.
c) Operating on the screws of the cams (2 and 3) adjust the
servomotor travel so that the minimum and maximum positions
are reached (see indicators 1 and 12). To perform this operation
turn on the power to the burner, keep the thermostat open, turn
the switch (6) to "manual" and operate the microswitches 4 and
Potentiometer setting
When replacing the servomotor or just the potentiometer (8), it must
be set to the same digit values (min. and max.) of the replaced
potentiometer; these values are given on the original servomotor
adhesive dataplate (9). To set the potentiometer (8), proceed as
14 Play compensation spring
15 Feeding ring
a) Connect the operating unit keypad with the cable supplied,
enter the SETTING PASSWORD > to see the DIGIT values of
the potentiometers.
b) Connect the PC with the programming software to the
ETAMATIC equipment
c) Turn on the power to the burner and keep the thermostat open.
d) Bring the servomotor to the minimum position by operating the
microswitch 5.
e) Remove the screws (7)
f) M o v e t h e r i n g ( 11 ) , s e e k i n g t h e d i g i t v a l u e
corresponding to minimum (see value on dataplate 9).
The value is displayed on the PC or "OPERATING UNIT" at the
channel in question.
g) After finding the required value, move the feeding ring (15) to
tighten the play compensation spring (14), fit the potentiometer
(8) in its seat and fix it with screws (7), making sure the value
found does not change. For minor adjustments, loosen the
screws (7) slightly and turn the potentiometer (8) until finding
the required value.
h) Using the microswitch (4), now bring the servomotor to max.
position, checking that the value in digits gradually increases
until reaching the maximum value given on the dataplate (9);
if this value is not reached it means that servomotor travel
is insufficient. To increase servomotor travel see the section
"Servomotor replacement" point (c).
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