Menu Color
Trigger Out
Baud Rate
Selects the color of the letters and background the main unit uses to display
the menu on screen.
You can choose to display the menu screen in [Monotone] or [Color]. Also, you can adjust
the contrast and brightness of the menu from the [Menu Brightness] and [Menu Contrast]
menus. You can select from 3 color types.
Menu Brightness
Menu Contrast
Choices: Menu Brightness
:-10 to 0 to +10
Menu Contrast
: 0.50 to 1.50
Selects whether to display memory number, input signal and other
information on the projection screen. (
Choices: On/Off
Sets the TRIGGER OUT terminal.
Set the external control TRIGGER OUT jack 12 V signal emission to [Lamp] to
synchronize it to the ON/OFF state of the lamp, to [Fan] to synchronize it to the fan, and to
[RS-232C] to receive ON/OFF signals through the RS-232C terminal.
Choices: Lamp/Fan/RS-232C
Sets the transmission speed of the RS-232C terminal.
This setting becomes valid from the next time you switch the unit on.
Choices: 9600bps/19200bps/38400bps/57600bps/115200bps
Menu items
Menu Brightness
Menu Contrast
Color Style
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