If the wrong kind of jointing set-up or the
wrong process step in the protocol is entered
here, the satisfactory quality of the finished
joint cannot be guaranteed.
Contact the manufacturer before using a weld-
ing system and the data logger for a non-
straight joint for the first time. This kind of
welding operation absolutely requires a prior
briefing by the manufacturer or an authorized
service partner.
After all traceability data enabled in the configuration menu
were entered, the parameters of the pipes to be welded
have to be entered. If pipe parameters of an earlier welding
are available and no code error was detected, all welding
parameters of the previous welding are proposed and can
be confirmed in one go (see Display 18).
From this display, it is possible to change the pipe param-
eters by pressing the STOP/RESET key. Then the first thing
is to select the pipe material in a list; use the ñ and ò cur-
sor keys and confirm by pressing the START/SET key (see Dis-
play 16). After that, the cursor keys allow entering (see the
first info in Sect. 4.1) the diameter and the wall thickness,
both confirmed by the START/SET key (see Display 17). In-
stead of the wall thickness, you may want to enter the Stan-
dard Dimension Ratio (SDR); then display this input line in-
stead of the wall thickness line by pressing the ï and ð
simultaneously and enter the SDR value. The machine then
displays the whole set of parameters as an overview. In case
there are errors, it is possible either to enter all data once
more by pressing the STOP/RESET key, or to return to the
previous inputs to correct them one step at a time by press-
ing ñ.
If pipe codes were entered previously in the traceability
data for the joint, the machine automatically presents the
welding parameters contained in the pipe codes for confir-
Facing the Pipe Butts
To ensure that the pipe butts are level, insert the pipe fac-
ing tool between the machine carriages and turn it on. Then
have the pipes close in on the facing tool and work them
until a continuous shaving blade is cut that rolls twice or
three times around the pipe ends, so the butts are level. Fac-
ing is stopped by moving the carriage apart.
Now press the START/SET key as a confirmation that facing
is properly finished, to make the report generator go on to
the next process step (see Display 20). By pressing STOP/RE-
SET you return to the beginning of the welding process. It
HÜRNER SPG 2.0 User's Manual
H Ü R N E R S c h w e i s s t e c h n i k G m b H
Nieder-Ohmener Str. 26
35325 Mücke, Germany
Pipe Diameter:0250mm
Pipe Material: PE80
Pipe Diameter:0250mm
Face Pipe Ends
Version November 2022
Display 16
Display 17
Display 18
Display 19