- Empty the bowl from the remaining product as
much as possible.
- Switch off the unit by pressing the main
- After unlocking the main cover with its key
(fig.21), remove the main cover and the
secondary one under it (fig.22).
- Pour lukewarm water into the bowl (fig.23)
and, after re-positioning the main cover, make
sure the micro-switch is correctly activated.
GT is equipped with a very efficient safety
mechanism, activated when the cover is lifted,
designed to protect the operator. If the cover
is not correctly positioned GT will not work.
- Switch on the unit and go through the menu in
order to select the wash mode as described
- Make the unit working in the wash mode for
some minutes and then empty the bowl and
repeat the same operations until the coming out
water is clear (fig.24).
-Switch off the unit and disconnect cable from
the power supply.
- Provide yourself with a sanitizer suitable for
plastic, rubber and stainless steel objects
Carefully follow the mix producer
prescriptions in terms of time and modes
of conservation.
Data di emissione: Dicembre, 2013
Revisione: 5
Fig. 21
Fig. 22
Fig. 23
Fig. 24
Pag. : 63/124