on the needle handle and lock the thumbscrew on the safety ring at the 0 cm
mark to hold the needle in place.
13. Disconnect the Luer lock fitting of the device from the accessory channel
port by rotating the device handle counter clockwise, and withdraw the entire
device from the endoscope.
14. Exchange the locking syringe for an empty syringe and attach the new
syringe to the Luer lock fitting on the needle handle. Unlock the thumbscrew
on the safety ring and extend the needle.
15. Use syringe or stylet to expel specimen, then prepare per institutional
16. Remaining material may be recovered for examination by reinserting stylet
or flushing device.
17. For additional biopsy from the same lesion, gently reinsert the stylet into the
metal fitting on the needle handle. Note: Prior to reinserting the stylet, wipe
with saline or sterile water. While supporting the stylet at the Luer lock fitting,
advance the stylet in small increments, until the hub is engaged in the fitting.
18. Additional samples may be obtained by repeating Step 2 through 16 of the
"Instructions for Use. "
19. Upon completion of procedure, disconnect the Luer fitting of the device
from the accessory channel port by rotating the device handle counter
clockwise and withdraw the entire device from the endoscope.
20. To remove adapter from endoscope, pull back on the locking clip, lift the top
and slide off endoscope.
Upon completion of the procedure, dispose of the device, including the
adapter, per institutional guidelines for biohazardous medical waste.