To enjoy a game of Bridge right away, without reading the entire manual first,
Locate the battery compartment in the base of the unit,
and slide the cover off in the direction of the arrows. Insert
three "AA" (AM3/R6) alkaline batteries, making sure that
you observe the correct polarity (+/–). If you're using the
optional AC adapter described in Section 6.3, plug the
adapter into the wall and then into the unit.
Press the Cover Release Button, and then lift up and
remove the protective cover. For convenience, you can
store the cover by attaching it to the back of the unit
whenever you're playing!
Press GO/STOP to turn the computer on. When the
display shows the Main Menu (PGSIBLR), we're ready
to start! If your display shows something different, press
ESCAPE until the Main Menu is displayed.
The flashing P indicates the current option, Play. Press
ENTER to select this option for our sample game, and
you'll be taken directly to the Deal Menu.
The display now shows RNES, with the letter R flashing
to indicate Random deal. Press ENTER to select
Random Deal, and the computer will automatically deal
the first hand. If you'd prefer a different random hand,
simply press ESCAPE and ENTER for another deal.
Your hand is displayed, along with any bids made so far.
s flashes, indicating that it's your turn to bid for
South. Press a Suit Key (¶/•/ª/º), and then a Value Key
(2/3/4...) to make your bid. The NO TRUMP Key is also
available for bidding. Finally, press ENTER. As you'll see
later, the Cursor Keys can also be used for bidding and
play. To pass at any point during bidding, press PASS,
and then ENTER. Bidding continues until three consecu-
tive passes (P) have been made. The display now shows
your hand and dummy's hand. The trump suit, if any, is
underlined on the left-hand side, and play begins.
If it's your opening lead, s will flash; otherwise the
computer automatically leads, and s will flash on
your turn. The computer plays East, West, and North (if
North is not declarer or dummy). If North is declarer or
dummy, you'll play both North and South. Play your cards
in turn, pressing a Suit Key, a Value Key, and ENTER. If
a suit is forced, you need only press a Value Key and
ENTER; if a card is forced, you need only press ENTER.
Once the trick is complete, the contract and score are
displayed. Press ENTER, as prompted. Then, continue as
described above, until all 13 tricks have been won.
That's all there is to it—you've learned the basics! Section
1.6 will show you how to proceed from this point on...
simply follow these Quick Start steps!
3 x AA/AM3/R6
s bids/plays:
Press Suit Key, Value Key, then ENTER.
s passes:
Trump Suit
To interrupt your game and store
it in memory, press GO/STOP.
To continue playing at any time,
press GO/STOP again to turn
the computer back on!