Factory Presets
Lutron ships each control unit with the following factory presets (A- mode) . In this mode,
control units and lighting wallstations communicate with no additional programming .
Load type
Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3
Scene 4
Scenes 5-16
OFF (scene 0)
Fade times
Fade time from OFF
Save mode
Note: Scene fade time affects lights but not shades; shades move immediately to their
programmed level .
Depending on the size and requirements of the lighting system, control units can be configured
to work with a variety of optional accessories, including:
• Low-voltage wallstations. Wallstations, shade controllers, infrared (IR) sensors and receivers,
and door-jamb controls .
• Control interfaces. Contact closure devices, RS232 and Ethernet digital communications .
astronomic timeclock, and programming interface for GRAFIK Eye Liaison
• Load interfaces. Required for any loads exceeding the maximum zone capacity (see page 2),
as well as Lutron 3-wire fluorescent dimming ballasts, electronic low-voltage lighting, and 277
loads .
For part numbers and additional information on GRAFIK Eye 3000 Series accessories, visit
www .lutron .com .
System Communications and Capacities
PELV (Class 2: USA) cable can be used to connect GRAFIK Eye 3000 control units,
wallstations, and other accessories . You can link up to 8 control units to control up to 48
zones, and add up to 16 wallstations and 8 shade controllers (SG-SVC) for a total of 32 control
points . Note that wallstations control scenes (which can include light and shade settings);
shade controllers control only shades .
PELV (Class 2: USA) Cables
If your lighting system uses wallstations and/or multiple control units, PELV (Class 2: USA)
wiring is needed to supply power and carry communications between the control units and the
wallstations . PELV (Class 2: USA) wiring is also needed to connect other accessories .
Use properly certified PELV (Class 2: USA) cable . Each twisted pair in the PELV (Class 2: USA)
wiring link should consist of two #18 AWG (1 .0 mm
• One pair is for the low-voltage power wiring .
• The second pair is for a data link (up to 2000 ft/610 m long) .
Note: L utron offers a one-cable, low-voltage solution: P/N GRX-CBL-346S (non-plenum) or
GRX-PCBL-346S (plenum). Check availability and applicable electrical codes in your area.
In countries that abide by the IEC regulations, PELV is commonly referred to as Protective Extra-
Low Voltage . A PELV circuit is a grounded circuit in which the voltage cannot exceed 50 V
ripple-free . The power source must be supplied by a safety isolating transformer or equivalent .
Recommended unshielded cables include:
• For non-plenum installations, use (2) Belden 9470, (1) Belden 9156, or (2) Liberty 181P/2C-EX-
GRN, or equivalent .
• For plenum installations, use (2) Belden 82740, or equivalent .
In Europe, acceptable types of cable include HAR certified cable with insulated cores
enclosed in a sheath . This cable must bear the appropriate certification mark pertaining to
national wiring rules for fixed installations . If certified cable with insulated cores enclosed in a
sheath is used for the power cables, the PELV wiring can be any of the cables listed above .
Factory Preset
Not addressed (set to factory default A-)
All zones set to incandescent
100% intensity for all zones
75% intensity for all zones
50% intensity for all zones
25% intensity for all zones
100% intensity for all zones
All zones OFF
3 seconds between all scenes; 10-second fade time to OFF
4 seconds to any scene (not adjustable)
Sd (save by default)
3000 Series Control Unit Installer's Guide
) stranded conductors .
software .
or 120 V