NOTE: Earth grounding is recommended but not required.
Grounding helps protect against lightning by providing a
direct path to earth. In areas prone to frequent lightning
strikes, external lightning arrestors and/or other means of
protection may be needed.
Step 1: Battery #1
Connect Battery #1 to the SunSaver Duo as shown in figure 6. If
charging priority is set to the default 90% / 10% setting, battery 1
will receive 90% priority. Use red wire for battery positive and black for
battery negative. An in-line fuse holder should be wired in the positive
line no further 12" ( 305 mm ) from the battery post. Earth ground the
battery negative post if desired using a short piece of black wire appro-
priately sized for the system charging current (see back page). Do not
insert a fuse in the fuse holder at this time.
Step 2: Battery #2
Connect Battery #2 to the SunSaver Duo as shown in figure 6. Use red
wire for battery positive and black for battery negative. An in-line fuse
holder should be wired in the positive line no further 12" (305 mm) from
the battery post. Earth ground the battery negative post if desired using a
short piece of black wire appropriately sized for the system charging cur-
rent (see page 17). Do not insert a fuse in the fuse holder at this time.
Step 3: Solar
Connect the solar module(s) output to the Solar input connection of the
SunSaver Duo. Multiple 12V nominal modules may be wired together in
parallel and wired to the SunSaver Duo with one pair of wires. Use
appropriately sized red wire for solar positive and black wire for solar
Confirm that the modules are wired for 12V nominal output before con-
necting them to the SunSaver Duo. Double-check polarity before con-
nection. In full sun, the output voltage of the solar modules should be
18 – 25 Volts before connection to the SunSaver Duo.
Upon connection of the Solar positive wire, the SunSaver Duo should
begin the start-up sequence, flashing the Status LED 3 times.
Earth ground solar negative if desired using a short piece of black wire
appropriately sized for the system charging current (see page 17).
Do not insert a fuse in the fuse holder at this time.
Step 4: Remote Temperature Sensor (optional)
An optional Remote Temperature Sensor (purchased separately) mea-
sures the temperature directly at the battery for more accurate battery
charging. Remove the wire jumper from the RTS terminals before install-
ing the sensor. The RTS includes full installation instructions.