Dear customer,
Leica would like to thank you for acquiring this LEICA SF 58 system flash unit
and congratulate you on your choice.
By buying this flash, you have made the best choice for your Leica camera.
We wish you a lot of enjoyment and success with your new flash.
In order to fully exploit the potential of your LEICA SF 58, you should first read
this manual.
Suitable cameras
The LEICA SF 58 was designed for those Leica R- and M-series cameras equipped
1. Through The Lens flash exposure metering, and
2. an SCA 3502 standard digital interface for the transmission of data and con-
trol signals between camera and flash unit.
The cameras that fulfil these requirements are: LEICA R 8, LEICA R 9, LEICA M 6 TTL,
LEICA M 7, LEICA M 8, and LEICA M 8.
Of course, the LEICA SF 58 can also be used with other Leica R- and M-models.
For this purpose, it has its own metering cell and automatic control with six
selectable f-stops. In addition, manual operation is available.
The descriptions in this manual apply only to use of the LEICA SF 58 on and
with Leica cameras.
The use of the LEICA SF 58 on cameras from other manufacturers can only be
recommended with reservations. Contacts in the accessory shoes of other
cameras that are similarly positioned, but have differing electrical values e.g.
can result in incompatible connections that adversely affect the performance of
one or even both devices.
Leica therefore excludes any additional liability, especially for damage that
does not occur on the flash unit itself.
Primarily, only the functions and settings of the flash unit itself are described in
this manual.
In addition, there is a list of
a. the cameras with which these are available and
b. settings that are necessary or possible on the cameras used.
The information on the LEICA MP in this connection is representative of all
cameras without any data transmission or control signals between flash unit
and camera body, irrespective of whether the LEICA SF 58 is triggered by a
flash hot-shoe contact or via cable connection.
Please refer the corresponding camera manuals for further details on the set-
tings of the cameras in connection with flash mode.