3. Start-up
See Instructions for Use of the blower device to be used and of the Þ lters. Only use Pro2000 Þ lters.
With a compressed air line device see Instructions for Use of T/A/LINE, and use breathing hose T/Pcap (code 064681).
Caution! Some materials which come into contact with the skin may cause allergic reactions in particularly
susceptible individuals.
Caution! The face shield/welding shield must be kept on the face always when working in a hazardous area.
intactness of helmet, face shield and breathing hose.
face seal correctly afÞ xed to the visor frame at all points.
intactness and position of brow seal.
3.1 Before use
Fix the breathing hose tightly to the hose socket of the helmet and close the locking latch.
Fix the breathing hose tightly to the blower device.
Screw the Þ lters tightly to the blower device.
Remove eventual protective Þ lm from both visor surfaces.
Check that the visor is intact (scratches).
Check that the visor shade is correct for the intended work.
Caution! The golden visor does not provide adequate protection at welding.
Welding Þ lter
Welding Þ lters are standard 110x90 mm size.
Check that the welding Þ lter shade is correct for the intended work.
Check that the fenestra is intact (distortion).
Check that the welding Þ lters Þ t into the fenestra and the fenestra sits into the welding shield without leaving
gaps (light leak).
Caution! If the welding Þ lter is made of mineral reinforced material (e.g. glass), it must be supplemented with
a separate protective lens (e.g. 064497
Head harness
Adjust the head harness to get a good Þ t (and the visor comes in front of the eyes):
Wearing hight: with the horizontal openings in the crown strap ends. The size
and shape of the head or the use of accessories may require that the headband is
adjusted deeper for a correct Þ t.
Head size: with the ratchet knob (handwheel) at the back of the headband. For sizes
53 – 65 cm.
Face seal
the face seal tension by placing its uppermost (yellow) pins to either of the brow
seal holes (located at the two extensions).
Fix eventual hearing protector to the helmet. Check adequate attenuation.
3.2 Donning
Don the blower unit according to its instructions.
Switch on the blower device, then check adequate air ß ow (see Instructions for Use of the blower unit).
Don the Procap so that the visor is placed in front of your eyes and the breathing hose trails freely down the
back and is not kinked or looped.
Arrange the face seal under the chin and around the cheeks.
Check that hair or clothing is not trapped in the seal.
3.3 After use
Doff the Procap and carry out the necessary maintenance for the helmet and blower device (see respektive
instructions). Replace worn-out Þ lters of the blower device (all Þ lters at the same time).
4. Maintenance and storage
Store protected from direct sunlight, -10 °C...+50 °C, relative humidity (RH) under 75 %.
A properly stored, unused product stays in good condition for a long storage period.
Clean with a damp cloth or sponge (be careful not to scratch the visor). Use lukewarm water and mild
detergent (neutral, pH 6-8) (e.g. washing-up liquid). Do not wash under running water, keep water away
from the airduct and hose. Do not use solvents (e.g. acetone, turpentine) or bleaching agents (perborate,
percarbonate). Never clean with compressed air or compressed water.
Maintenance of the blower units and hearing protectors is described in the respective Instructions for Use.
anti-spatter lens