NOTE: Reducing pedestal pressure below 3.5 bar (50 psi) may cause a pressure leak.
To determine the pedestal pressure, proceed as follows:
Ensure that the control valve (26) is set to the WORK position (refer to 'Setting the control valve'
on page 15).
Rotate the steering ring (3) so that the pressure gauge is visible through the viewing window (2).
Pressurizing the pedestal using the built-in pump
To pressurize the pedestal using the built-in pump, proceed as follows:
Apply the wheel brakes (15).
Set the control valve (26) to the PUMP position as follows:
Depress the control valve (26) against the spring force, and rotate the lever fully clockwise
to a horizontal position. The control valve (26) will remain in a depressed position.
Push down on the steering ring (3) against any residual pressure and release the safety catch (24).
Set the safety catch in the horizontal position.
Rotate the steering ring (3) so that the pressure gauge (2) is visible through the window.
Using the steering ring (3), raise the top stage (5) until fully extended. Commence pumping by low-
ering and raising the top stage (5) over the upper half of its travel. When the pressure gauge (2)
begins to register, pump the top stage over its full stroke.
As pressure increases, put a foot on the skid to restrain the pedestal on the up stroke.
NOTE: The pressure gauge only displays full system pressure when the control valve (26) is
set to WORK.
An approximation of the final pedestal pressure can obtained by observing the peak
pressure reading on the downward pumping stoke.
1. Do NOT pressurize the pedestal beyond the maximum safe working
pressure indicated by the leading edge of the red sector on the gauge.
2. Do NOT adjust the pressure relief valve. Personal injury and pedestal
damage may occur.
If fitted, remove the camera from the pan and tilt head before attempting
to use the built-in pump. The pan and tilt head can remain fitted without
compromising operator safety.