- Check if the equipment is connected to the mains socket
- Check if the on/off switch located on the back panel is on
The equipment does
- Check if fuses are blown by removing the cover according to item 1.7 - fuses. If they are
not switch on
blown, replace them with spare fuses.
- Remember to disconnect the equipment from the mains before checking.
The equipment blows
- Check if the fuse current is compatible with the required current
the fuses
- Check if the wiring or any connection contact is not in short-circuit
- Check if the footswitch cable is properly connected to the connector located on the back
The equipment has
- Check if the accessory is correctly connected to the ACCESSORY outlet.
no power output
- Make sure that the monopolar accessory cable (pencil, monopolar forceps, etc.) is not
interrupted. Replace the cable or the accessory.
Failure alarm in
patient plate circuit is
- Check if the patient plate cable is correctly connected to the patient plate and equipment.
activated (intermittent
- Replace the patient plate cable with an'other that is provenly non-defective
visual and sound
Bipolar accessory
- Check if the accessory cable is correctly connected to the equipment and accessory.
does not work
- Replace the cable.
- Stop the surgery
- Check all connection of accessories and make sure that there is no bad contact
- Lower power levels reduce neuromuscular stimulation
- Fulguration tends to produce more stimulation than cut because of higher levels of
voltage involved. Desiccation is not expected to produce neuromuscular stimulation, as
there is no sparking involved
- Check if ground wires of power cables of the involved equipment are not interrupted
- Check the integrity of chassis-ground connection of SS-200E, electrosurgical unit and
- Check if the grounding circuit of electric wiring in surgery room is adequate
Interference with
- Check the connections of patient plate cable and accessories. The occurrence of
heart monitor
sparking from metal to metal derived from bad contact of connections may cause
- Fulguration tends to produce a higher level of interference than cut. - Lower power levels
produce lower interference
- Check the connections of patient plate cable and accessories. The occurrence of
sparking from metal to metal derived from bad contact of connections may cause
Interference with
- Give preference to use of bipolar instruments
- When using monopolar instruments, set the patient plate as close as possible to the
surgery place and the way crossed by current as far as possible from the heart muscle.
Note: If it is not possible to solve the problems by using the solutions provided above, contact the
Authorized Technical Assistance through WEM Customer Service Department by telephone +55 16 3512-
4621 or email, or check the list of Authorized Technical Assistances provided with
the equipment.
Electro-electronic schematics, list of parts and technical information.
Electro-electronic schematics and lists of parts or any other necessary information may be made available
by WEM Equipamentos Eletrônicos Ltda, provided that they are necessary for technical maintenance of
equipment by the user by mutual agreement between the parties.
WEM Equipamentos Eletrônicos Ltda warrants to its original clients and users the equipment manufactured
by the company are produced according to the most advanced technology and rigorous quality control that
assure its perfect operation under the conditions and periods below.
Warranty, at no cost to the buyer, is limited to replacement and/or repair of eventual defective parts or the
correction of any production defects as evidenced by our Technical Assistance Department.
Replacement and/or repair referred to in the previous paragraph shall not apply to parts under natural wear
and tear (fuses, etc), or lack of skill or negligence in the use of equipment, or parts that shall have been
repaired or modified by parties not authorized by WEM.
Troubleshooting Guide
WEM / SS-200E User Manual
Rev. 11