Assembly instructions
Step 1: Rear Rail and Pedal Tube Assembly
1. Slide the rail assembly (2) under the rear support
tube of the main body. Bolt the two together with two
3/8" x 2-1/4" bolts (97) and 3/8" washers (100)
from the top of the tube, and four 3/8" x 3-3/4"
bolts (98) and 3/8" curved washers (99) through the
front of the support tube. Make sure all six bolts are
tightened very securely.
2. Attach the two foot pedals (52 left & 53 right) to the
pedal mounting plates with eight M5 x 10mm
Phillips head screws (112).
3. Assemble the inner pedal tube assemblies (5 & 6) to
the crank axles of the main body. The bearings in the
pedal tubes should slide onto the axles, do not force
them because damage to the bearings can occur.
The pedal tubes have been previously assembled at
the factory to assure the correct fi t. Secure the pedal
tubes with two 5/16" x 18mm bolts (111) and
5/16" washers (84).
4. Install the two covers (50 right, 49 left) over the
pedal tube connection at the axle with two M6 x
15mm Phillips head screws (94). Install the two
roller covers (54) with four M5 x 12mm Phillips
head screws (77).
5. Install the four mounting brackets (17) and (26) to
the rails with four 5/16" x 3/4" socket hex head
bolts (75). Install the two steel covers (15 right &
16 left) by lifting the pedal tubes so the wheels
are off the tracks then slide the pedal tubes,
wheels fi rst, through the opening of the steel cover.
Align the cover with the mounting brackets and
secure them with eight M5 x 12 mm Phillips head
screws (77). Install the four small covers (2 x #19
& 2 x #20) with twelve M5 x 12mm Phillips head
screws (77).
6. Install the centre aluminium step rail (72) with
two 3/8" x 3-3/4" bolts (98) and 3/8" curved
washers (99) at the rear and two 3/8" x 2-1/4"
bolts (97) and 3/8" x 19mm fl at washers (100)
at the front. Install the two support tube covers (67
left & 68 right) with two M5 x 12mm Phillips head
screws (77).
Cross Trainer