Fig. 11: a) and b) Adjustment with the
proGAV 2.0 Adjustment Tool
The proGAV 2.0 is equipped with a feed-
back mechanism. When using the proGAV 2.0
Adjustment Tool, pressure on the housing of the
valve is created and a resulting acoustic signal
(a clicking sound) is produced due to the unique
construction of the valve housing. This clicking
sound indicates that the rotorbrake is released.
Now the rotor can rotate freely. Once the pres-
sure on the valve is released, a clicking sound
is heard and the rotorbrake is again locked
safely so that the valve is safe against spon-
taneous re-adjustments. The clicking sound is
well recognizable before implantation. However
after implantation, once the valve is filled up,
depending on place and texture of the sur-
rounding area of the implant, the acoustic sig-
nal could be considerably muted. The click-
ing sound should generally be audible by the
patient itself or via a stethoscope.
The new opening pressure setting of the
valve must not differ from the measured
opening pressure by more than 8 cmH
any one setting.
Example: Opening pressure is to be changed
from 3 to 18 cmH O. With only one adjust-
ment procedure the rotor would turn in the
wrong direction (short way) and would stop at
the position 0 cmH O (fig. 12a). The correct
adjustment is in 2 steps: Adjustment from 3 to
11 cmH O, and from 11 to 18 cmH O. The rotor
turns correctly (fig. 12b).
Fig. 12: Rotor rotation during adjustment
a) false b) correct
From proGAV 2.0 Adjustment Tool a mag-
netic field emanates. Metallic objects and
magnetic media storages should have a
sufficient safety margin.
4. Verifying the adjustment
After adjusting the valve by using the proGAV
2.0 Adjustment Tool, it must be verified using
the proGAV 2.0 Compass as described in step
2. If the measured pressure now differs from the
intended pressure level, the adjustment proce-
dure has to be repeated from step 3. Due to
postoperative swelling of the skin the adjust-
ment of the valve setting may be difficult within
the first few days.
If the pressure configuration of the valve can-
not be determined with complete certainly by
the proGAV 2.0 Compass, the use of imaging
techniques is recommended.
proGAV Checkmate
The proGAV Checkmate is delivered sterile and
is intended to be re-sterilised. It is possible to
change and to verify an applied pressure set-
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