Should you not be able to solve the problem, please take the machine to an official service agent.
To find out your nearest official after sales service agent please contact the shop where you bought the machine from.
Machine vibrates
The engine heats up
The engine does not run
The engine stops or does not
hold the no load speed
Depending on the symptoms that you might observe, you can detect the probable cause and solve the problem:
If the machine does not start, check the engine compression and the spark from the spark plug.
Depending on the symptoms, we attach a table with probable causes and solutions:
Probable cause
Worn out segments
Worn out piston
Crankshaft looseness
Clutch looseness
Too much uninterrupted use
Exhaust dirty
Petrol is not adequate
Dirty carburetor
Air filter dirty
Petrol filter dirty
Carburetor not well regulated
Corrective action
Take the machine to official service agent
Take the machine to official service agent
Take the machine to official service agent
Take the machine to official service agent
Pause every 10 minutes and allow the engine
too cool
Take the machine to official service agent
Substitute the petrol
Take the machine to official service agent
Clean the filter
Clean the filter
Take the machine to official service agent