3.4 Storage, Handling and Removal Instructions:
3.4.1 Storage and Handling:
The product should be stored in a clean and safe environment to prevent product
damage. See storage Specifications under Product Specification section.
Careful storage of the Hip Distraction System can help prolong its life. It is
recommended that the system be stored in the optional HDS Cart (AR-6529-13). The
Document Number: 80028286
Version D
Well Leg Orientation Left: This label shows the orientation of
the well leg adapter when the patients non-operative leg is
on their left side
Well Leg Orientation Right: This label shows the orientation of
the well leg adapter when the patients non-operative leg is
on their right side
Perineal Post Collar:
Indicates the direction to move collar when mounting the
perineal post
Pinch Point Caution:
This label indicates the presence of a pinch point between
the patient platform and clamp. Use caution.
Do Not Immerse:
Signifies that the device should not be submerged or soaked
in any solution (including cleaner)
EC Label:
Signifies that the product conforms to European medical
device directive 93/42/EEC
Page 28
Issue Date: 31 MAR 2020
Ref Blank Template: 80025118 Ver. E