Active Carbon Filter (Annex A4.2) (Additional fan installation required)
Canopy (Annex A4.4)
Support table (both models for 770 mm and 900 mm working area height).
UV kit
Easy-to-work microprocessor-controlled UV germicidal lamp with a timer function. It can only
be enabled in the Disinfection screen (Chapter 4.5 point 2.4) or by means of the UV light
Auto Power on screen (Chapter 4.5 point For safety reasons, this button is
electrically linked with the light button, and it switches off if the front window is opened.
Average disinfection intensity over the work zone of 200 µW/cm2 with 20% depreciation
after a working life of 8000 hours.
GS has not been tested for Active Carbon Filter neither Canopy.
In the event of using this accessory, you should consider the normal precautions in the use
of these types of lamps. Their use is only suitable for previous external sterilisation of
materials introduced in the cabinet. So this lamp accessory should be used before the start
of work in the cabinet and it is essential to keep it turned off when the operator is in front of
the working area or working on it. The glasses provide protection from direct radiation but
UV rays are reflected on polished metal parts and can seriously damage operator's eyes.
That is why the glass front must be placed into the closed position to be able to switch on
the U.V light, then automatically the fans will disconnect.
Vacuum tap kit.
Gas tap kit.
GS has not been tested for Gas tap kit.
Gas is a toxic and flammable substance which in the event of an accident can cause serious
damage to the user and the cabinet.
The presence of a flame within the cabinet creates turbulence which affects its control and
proper functioning, therefore we recommend you do NOT use burners unless strictly
essential and if the user is prepared to assume this responsibility.
Gas connection should be done in line with the safety standards of each country, region and
For these reasons, the electrically controlled valve that enables gas entry can only be
activated when the fans are working and it is automatically disconnected when the alarm
indicating a lack of impulsion flow is activated.
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