Follow pressure relief procedure before a�emp�ng to service or repair unit. See Page 47.
If trouble shoo�ng guide suggests replacing the motor brushes, follow the direc�ons below.
1. Remove 2 SCREWS #12, Diagram C, from the Controller Assembly plate (Poten�ometer side of plate).
2. Remove 3 SCREWS #1, Diagram B, from MOTOR COVER #3, Diagram B, and remove MOTOR COVER.
3. Use a straight blade screwdriver to remove the Brush Retaining Cap to expose the Brush. Replace on at a
�me and repeat steps 4 & 5 un�l both brushes are replaced.
4. Remove BRUSH #13, Diagram B. Inspect and replace if worn or damaged.
5. When reinstalling, the motor brush wire leads must face towards the back of the motor housing (facing
towards the fan). Snap the Brush Retaining Cap back into posi�on/ NOTE: The wire passes through an
opening on the Brush Retaining Cap, the opposite side has a wire block tab.
6. Make sure the BRUSH lead wires are secured back onto the motor assembly to prevent movement or
damage when reassembling.
7. Install MOTOR COVER #3, Diagram B, back onto the assembly. Install 2 SCREWS #12, Diagram C, through
the Control Plate, (Poten�ometer side of plate).
8. Install 3 SCREWS #1, Diagram B, into the MOTOR gearbox cas�ng #5, Diagram B to complete reassembly.
Follow pressure relief procedure before a�emp�ng to service or repair unit. See Page 47.
If trouble shoo�ng guide suggests replacing the motor, follow the direc�ons below.
1. Remove 2 SCREWS #12, Diagram C, from Controller Assembly plate, (Poten�ometer side of plate).
2. Remove 3 SCREWS #1, Diagram B, from MOTOR COVER #3, Diagram B, and remove MOTOR COVER.
3. While using a pair of needle nose pliers to hold the TRANSDUCER body from turning, loosen the
TRANSDUCER nut #15, Diagram C, from the PUMP HOUSING #9, Diagram A with a ¾" open end wrench.
Slide the TRANSDUCER out of the back of the PUMP HOUSING.
4. Disconnect the motor leads from the Circuit Board. See Diagram D/E.
5. Disconnect the motor thermal protector from the Circuit Board and Circuit Breaker. See Diagram D/E)
6. Unplug the Thermistor assembly from the Circuit Board. See Diagram D/E.
7. Remove 2 SCREWS #11, Diagram C, from MOTOR gearbox cas�ng #5, Diagram B.
8. Pivot the CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY #1, Diagram C, away from the MOTOR gearbox cas�ng #5, Diagram B and
9. Remove 4 SCREWS #1 and remove the FRONT COVER #10, Diagram B.
10. Remove 4 SCREWS #9, Diagram B, and remove the CRANK HOUSING #8, Diagram B, and PUMP COMPLETE
#35, Diagram A, together as one unit.
11. Remove the CRANKSHAFT #6, Diagram B, and THRUST WASHER #7, Diagram B, and inspect for wear.
12. Remove the REDUCER GEAR # 12, Diagram B, and inspect for wear.
13. For the Stand version, remove 4 BOLTS #3, Diagram I, and for the Hi Cart version, remove 4 BOLTS #2,
Diagram I, and remove the MOTOR and gearbox cas�ng #5, Diagram as one piece from the frame.