DSP Control
Touch it to set the gain of the compressor for the selected
channel or bus. Generally, when compressing signal, the de-
creasing of gain will cause whole level attenuation. This Gain
control can recover the lost level and re-adjust volume that
compressed before. The Gain can be set from 0 dB (no gain
adjusted) to +24 dB.
Touch it to set the compressor threshold for the selected
channel. If the amplitude of an audio signal exceeds a certain
threshold, the compressor will reduce the level of this signal.
The threshold can be set from -30 to 20 dB.
Touch it to set the compressor's attack setting for the selected
channel. The attack setting is the period when the compres-
sor is decreasing gain to reach the level that is determined by
the ratio. You can set the attack from 10 to 150 milliseconds.
Touch it to set the compressor for the selected channel.
Release sets the length of time the compressor takes to re-
turn to its normal gain once the signal level drops below the
threshold. Release can be set from 10 to 1,000 milliseconds.
Touch it to set the compression ratio for the selected chan-
nel. The ratio determines the amount of gain reduction. For
example, a ratio of 4:1 means that if input level is 4 dB over
the threshold, the output signal level will be 1 dB over the
threshold. The ratio can be set from 10:1 to 1:1 until limit.
The compressor grid shows level setting of threshold in real
time. Meter on the left indicates the input signal's level activi-
ty. Meter on the right indicates degree of compressor.
Touch anyone of these controls to enter corresponding page.
It is the same with that in Assign interface in section 6.3.
Note: you can also rename the selected channel by long press-
ing CHXX.
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