DSP Control
This items show names of preset, when you select a preset,
its name will show on the bottom box, then touch Load con-
trol on the right corner of the screen to load the selected pre-
set to corresponding controls.
Touch UP Page to go to previous item page. Touch Down Page
to go to next item page.
Touch anyone of these controls, the corresponding background
will illuminate, you can load preset of selected controls.
Touch Delete to delete current selected item's preset, touch
Load to load current selected item's preset.
The preset can be recalled to the same channel with exact-
ly the same DSP setting and other setting like Solo, Mute,
Post..., but with the channel's own DSP setting if recall to oth-
er channels. For example, if you select Channel 6 and save
the setting as scene preset 6. If you select the Channel 6 and
press the Load button to load the scene preset 6, then, the
Channel 6 will be exactly same as the scene preset 6. But if
you choose other channel like Channel 7, the DSP setting will
be same as the Channel 7 and other settings will be same as
preset 6.
p. 48