Background compensation in detection mode
There is always some hydrogen gas in the
background. In fresh air this is as low as
0.5 ppm (parts per million).
background. This is done automatically
at start-up and thereafter it slowly adapts
itself to slow variations in the background
concentration. By adjusting slowly (mi-
nutes) it avoids taking an actual leak for
an increased background, and vice versa.
Therefore a sudden rise in background
concentration will be detected, but if the
The major advantages of Hydrogen Trace Gas are:
• It is the cheapest of all trace gases (standard industrial grade
• The natural background concentration in air is only 0.5 ppm.
• Hydrogen is very easily vented away from the test area,
thereby minimizing background problems.
• Hydrogen is non-toxic and 100% environmentally friendly.
• Hydrogen is a renewable natural resource.
• Hydrogen is a low viscosity gas which spreads very rapidly
inside the test object and easily penetrates a leak. After
testing it is remarkably easy to eliminate from the test area.
Adixen Scandinavia - User's manual H2000 PLUS
actively adjusts itself to the
concentration remains constant it will be
gradually cancelled out over a period of
several minutes.
For example, if the background concen-
tration, for some reason, should suddenly
rise to 10 ppm H
, then the detector will
give a corresponding signal which will,
very slowly, decline to zero. If you there-
after expose the probe to a leak which gives
rise to another 10 ppm H
give essentially the same signal as if there
was no background concentration.
, the detector will