The sensitivity of the instrument in Detection Mode is adjusted by changing the
Sensitivity. The default value is 8, but values from 1 to 15 can be used. Each step
doubles the sensivity.
Auto Range
When this function is set to ON, the sensivity will decrease two steps at a time, when
the signal hits full scale.
The sensitivity returns to the initial setting when the probe is removed.
Direct Sensitivity Adjustment
The detection mode sensitivity can be changed directly from the Detection Mode
main screen by pressing Sensitivity + and –. This feature can be turned off by set-
ting Direct Sensitivity Adjustement to OFF. Sensitivity changes made in the main
screen are not stored in the memory and the instrument will start with the sensitivity
stored in the Detection Mode Settings menu.
Lowest Frequency (Detection Mode Settings)
The lowest frequency of the sound can be adjusted using Lowest Frequency, i.e.
when no gas is detected. The default value is 1 Hz but values from 0 to 10 Hz can
be used. 0 Hz means that the loudspeaker is silent when the detector has reverted to
background level.
Adixen Scandinavia - User's manual H2000 PLUS