Risk of intravasation
If the intrauterine pressure does not react to an increase in the pressure setting
during the procedure, a perforation of the uterine cavity might be the cause. This
results in an increased risk of intravasation. Examine the uterine cavity for injuries.
5.11 Deficit Limit Setting
The deficit limit can be adjusted while the system is in operation. Use the º and »
buttons (see Fig. Front of irrigation pump unit [} 22]). The deficit limit can be adjus-
ted to between 600 and 2500 ml in increments of 100 ml. The deficit limit is shown
on the deficit limit display (3). The deficit meter is designed to help the operator
track the deficit volume. The color of the deficit meter changes as the deficit limit is
approached. The deficit limit set by the operator is marked with a red LED on the
top of the deficit meter. If during surgery the actual deficit rises, the LEDs will light
up sequentially representing the actual deficit volume until the deficit limit is
reached (see section Deficit Limit in Chapter Safety Functions [} 40]).
5.12 Using the Pump during Surgery
• Open bag clamps on the fluid bags ((3) Fig. Inserting the tube set [} 33]).
• Fully open hysteroscope inflow stopcock.
• If drainage stopcock is available: Fully close drainage stopcock.
• Keep the hysteroscope at the height of the patient and above the drape to en-
sure the fluid can be collected. Do not insert the hysteroscope into the uterus
at this time.
• Press the button Prime ((17) Fig. Front of irrigation pump unit [} 22]).
• Pump will run for approximately 20 seconds to purge air from tubes and run
the automatic lumen calibration function.
• Pump will display Calibration Running.
The pump is equipped with an automatic lumen calibration function. The system
determines the flow resistance of the hysteroscope. This resistance is used to calcu-
late the pump pressure necessary to maintain the pre-set intrauterine pressure. To
overcome this resistance, the pump allows a pressure of up to 80 mmHg during
calibration. This will be shown in the display of the actual intrauterine pressure. If
calibration fails due to high resistance, calibration is repeated with a permissible
pressure of up to 150 mmHg. If calibration is then still not completed, the pump
displays Prime Fail - Open Stopcock Clamps.
The automatic lumen calibration starts once the Prime button is pressed.
• Three audible warning signals are heard once the automatic lumen calibration
is finished. The pump display will show Prime Successful Close Stopcock for
5 seconds followed by System Operating.
• Close hysteroscope inflow stopcock to stop fluid flow. Once all fluid has been
removed from the drape, zero the deficit display.
• Check to see if fluid has leaked in the area of the pressure chamber. If you find
leaked irrigation fluid in the area of the pump, change the tube set and retry
the automatic lumen calibration.
Correct lumen calibration and deficit calculation
The calibration must be performed outside of the patient to ensure a correct lumen
calibration and deficit calculation.
System Operation
Setting the deficit limit
Setting the deficit limit
Automatic lumen calibration
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