2� | � ��� ��� ��� � � ��� ��� ��� | Product description
Installing the EPS9�5 system software
The current version (2.77) of the EPS945 system
software is a prerequisite for testing non-Bosch
pumps. Install the current system software on your
KMA PC. Installation of the system software is de-
scribed in the program description 1 689 979 859.
1 689 979 986
Saving the sample test sequence
Before you can edit the sample test sequence for the
test, you need to copy it onto your KMA PC.
Refer to the "Data saving" section of the EPS 945
program description (1 689 979 859) for details.
1. Insert the "EP Software" CD into the
CD/DVD drive.
2. Start the EPS945 system software.
3. In the "main menu" dialog box, select the "Configu-
ration >> System" menu.
4. Select the DATA SAVE option.
5. In the "Selection of destination" field, select drive
D:\ (CD-ROM).
? The "Destination components" field shows the
sample test sequence
6. Press <Space> to select the sample test sequence.
7. Press <F5> to load the sample test sequence to the
? A "Note" dialog box containing the following mes-
Data being loaded. Please
sage appears:
8. Exit the "Data save" dialog box by pressing <F�2>.
The sample test sequence is now available in the da-
tabase for later use.
Robert Bosch GmbH