18. When the Fistula Plug is properly secured, trim away and discard
19. Discard any unused portions according to institutional guidelines for
To provide the best environment for tissue integration into the Fistula Plug,
patient activity should be minimized. Provide patients with a list of post-
procedural care recommendations. The following patient guidelines should
be considered:
1. Patients should avoid any strenuous physical activity beyond a gentle
2. Patients should avoid any heavy lifting over 10lbs (5kg) for at least two
3. Patients should use a stool softener for at least 2 weeks after surgery.
4. Patients should observe a liquid diet for the first 2 days after surgery.
5. Patients should begin a high fiber diet 2 days after surgery.
6. Patients should abstain from sexual intercourse and other forms of
1. Leng Q, et al. Anal fistula plug vs mucosa advancement flap in
2. Amrani S, et al. The Surgisis AFP anal fistula plug: a new and reasonable
3. The Surgisis AFP anal fistula plug: report of a consensus conference.
El tapón para fístulas Biodesign® está indicado para implantarse con el fin
de reforzar tejidos blandos para la reparación de fístulas rectovaginales o
El dispositivo se suministra estéril y está indicado para utilizarse una sola vez.
AVISO: Las leyes federales estadounidenses restringen la venta de este
dispositivo a médicos o por prescripción facultativa.
Este producto está concebido para que lo utilicen profesionales médicos
debidamente formados.
• Este dispositivo proviene de material porcino y no debe utilizarse en
pacientes sensibles a dicho material.
• Este dispositivo no es para uso vascular.
• Este dispositivo está concebido para un solo uso. Cualquier intento de
reprocesar, reesterilizar o reutilizar el dispositivo puede hacer que este falle
u ocasionar la transmisión de enfermedades.
• No reesterilice el producto. Deseche todas las partes abiertas y
sin utilizar.
• El dispositivo está estéril si el envase está seco y no se ha abierto ni ha
sufrido ningún daño. No lo utilice si el precinto del envase está roto.
IMPORTANT: Do not close the secondary opening completely when
suturing the plug to tissue. This is to allow continued drainage of the
fistula tract. Complete obstruction of the fistula opening may result in
accumulation of fluid, infection, or abscess.
any remaining portion of the plug that is not implanted within the
fistula tract. Leave at least 2mm of material between the end of the
trimmed Fistula Plug and suture to provide the appropriate suture
retention strength.
medical waste.
walk for at least 2 weeks following anorectal fistula repair, or 6 weeks
following recto-vaginal fistula repair.
weeks following anorectal fistula repair, or at least 6 weeks following
recto-vaginal fistula repair.
vaginal/rectal insertion (e.g. tampons) for at least 2 weeks following
anorectal fistula repair, or 6 weeks following recto-vaginal fistula repair.
complex fistula-in-ano: A meta-analysis. World J Gastrointestinal Surg.
alternative for the treatment of anal fistula. Gastroenterol Clin Biol.
Colorectal Dis. 2008;10(1):17-20.
Este símbolo significa lo siguiente:
Este símbolo significa lo siguiente: Seguro en entornos de resonancia
magnética (MR Safe)