Us Information For Use - Sera aqua-test Información Para El Usuario

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  • ESPAÑOL, página 24
n Silikat-Test (Meer- und Süßwasser)
Reagenz 1 enthält 18 % Schwefelsäure, Reagenz 2 ent-
hält Weinsäure. Verursacht schwere Verätzungen. Bei
Berührung mit den ugen sofort gründlich mit Wasser
ab spülen und rzt konsultieren. Bei Unfall oder Un wohl -
C Ätzend
sein sofort rzt zuziehen (wenn möglich, dieses Etikett
vorzeigen). Bei Verschlucken sofort ärztlichen Rat ein-
holen und Verpackung oder Etikett vorzeigen. Unter
Verschluss und für Kinder unzugänglich aufbewahren.
Bei der rbeit geeignete Schutz klei dung, Schutz -
handschuhe und Schutzbrille/ Ge sichts schutz tragen.
Reagenz 3 enthält 9 % Natriumhydrogensulfit und
Bis(4-hydroxy-N-methylanilinium)sulfat. Gesund heits -
schädlich beim Verschlucken. Reizt die tmungs or -
gane. Sensibilisierung durch Hautkontakt möglich.
Giftig für Wasserorganismen, kann in Gewässern län-
gerfristig schädliche Wirkung haben. Unter Verschluss
und für Kinder unzugänglich aufbewahren. Berührung
mit der Haut vermeiden. Nicht in die Kanalisation ge -
langen lassen. Geeignete Schutzhand schuhe tragen.
Bei Verschlucken sofort ärztlichen Rat einholen und
Verpackung oder Etikett vorzeigen.

US Information for use

sera aqua-test box and sera aqua-test box marin
The practical sera aqua-test box – available in fresh and salt water configu-
rations with the appropriate water tests for each supplied in a handy stor-
age case – is the ideal professional set for aquarists and pond keepers. It
contains everything you need for the quick and reliable monitoring of:
sera aqua-test box
• pH value (pH)
• total hardness (GH)
• carbonate hardness (KH)
• ammonium/ammonia (NH
• nitrite (NO
• nitrate (NO
• phosphate (PO
• iron (Fe)
• copper (Cu) or chlorine (Cl)
The sera aqua-test box guarantees reliable monitoring of all important
water parameters.
250 ml (8.45 fl.oz.) bottle of sera aqua-dest has been
enclosed with the set for cleaning the measurement vials and for the dilu-
tion of samples (phosphate- and copper-Test), when necessary.
Use only high-quality distilled water for refilling empty sera aqua-dest bottles.
Please follow directions for use closely! Attention Formation of a curved
surface (meniscus) can often be observed with watery liquids in volume
measuring devices, as the edge of the liquid surface is slightly pulled up.
Read off the volume at the lowest point of the liquid surface in such cases.
The lowest point of the meniscus must align with the upper edge of the
scale line (please see picture on page 82, lowest point at, for instance, 5 ml).
Use test reagents for the intended purpose only! Do not allow tested water
to contact aquarium or pond water! Close reagent bottles immediately
after use and do not exchange caps. Keep locked up and out of the reach of
children! Store at room temperature and away from light. For testing orna-
mental fish aquariums and pond water only.
Manufacturer: sera GmbH • P.O. Box 1466 • D 52518 Heinsberg
phone +49 2452 9126-0
Made in Germany
n pH-Test (fresh and salt water)
To achieve a stable pH value, ensure to maintain the carbonate
hardness of at least 5°dKH. Otherwise, it may cause the danger
of varying pH value (acid drop!). Therefore, always check the
carbonate hardness by means of the sera kH-Test, before
adjusting the pH value. If necessary, use the sera water conditioners sera
KH/pH-plus for aquariums and sera pond bio balance for garden ponds, to
increase the carbonate hardness to a minimum of 5°dKH.
Then, achieve the desired pH value by either using sera KH/pH-plus for rais-
ing the pH value or sera pH-minus to lower the pH value. lso, using sera
super peat (for freshwater aquariums) can lower the pH value.
Your specialized retailer would be pleased to advise you about the correct
pH value for your fish and plants in your aquarium or garden pond.
sera aqua-test box marin
• pH value (pH)
• carbonate hardness (KH)
• ammonium/ammonia (NH
• nitrite (NO
• nitrate (NO
• phosphate (PO
• copper (Cu)
• calcium (Ca)
Silikat fördert das Wachstum von Kieselalgen im Meer- und Süßwasser -
aquarium. Mit dem sera Silikat-Test kann der Silikatgehalt sicher bestimmt
werden. Silikatgehalte über 1 mg/l sollten mit sera marin silicate clear
gebunden werden.
Gebrauchsinformation: Reagenzien vor Gebrauch gut schütteln!
1. Küvette mehrmals mit dem zu testenden Wasser spülen, dann bis zur
10-ml-Marke füllen (siehe Seite 82, bb. "Volumenablesung in sera Test-
küvetten"). Küvette von außen abtrocknen.
2. 6 Tropfen Reagenz 1 zugeben. Küvette mit Deckel verschließen und
schütteln. Danach 5 Minuten warten.
3. Küvette öffnen und 6 Tropfen Reagenz 2 zugeben. Küvette verschließen
und schütteln. Kurz warten.
4. Küvette öffnen, 6 Tropfen Reagenz 3 zugeben. Küvette wieder ver-
schließen und kurz schütteln.
5. 10 Minuten Reaktionszeit abwarten. Dabei Küvette nicht öffnen, da rei-
zende Gase entstehen.
6. Danach Farben vergleichen: Dazu Küvette öffnen, auf die Skala stellen
und bei Tageslicht, ohne direkten Einfall des Sonnenlichtes, von oben
hineinsehen. Entstehende Gase nicht einatmen.
7. Reinigung: Vor und nach jedem Test sind Küvette und Deckel gründlich
mit Leitungswasser zu reinigen.
Directions for use: Shake reagent bottle well before using!
1. Rinse the measurement vial several times with the water to be tested,
then fill to the 5 ml mark (please see page 82, fig. "volume reading in sera
test vials"). Dry the vial on the outside.
dd 4 drops of the reagent and shake until the liquid is evenly distributed.
3. Compare the colors immediately. Place the vial on the chart and compare
from a position above under natural daylight. void direct sunlight.
4. Match the resulting color on the color chart and read off the pH value.
5. Cleaning: Clean the vial thoroughly with tap water before and after each test.
n gH-Test (freshwater)
Most ornamental fish originate from countries where the soil
is poor in minerals. However, it is exactly the opposite in many
other areas around the world. Rain water dissolves calcium
and magnesium from the soil and consequently creates hard water. With the
sera gH-Test, you can quickly determine the exact total hardness. Looking at
the natural conditions helps selecting the optimal fish stock for a commu-
nity aquarium, and is a precondition for successful breeding. High total
hardness levels can be lowered by mixing in R/O water.
sera aquatan and sera blackwater aquatan or filtering through sera super
peat will create soft water, as required for most South merican fishes (e.g.
from the mazon basin).
Directions for use: Shake reagent bottle well before using!
1. Rinse the measurement vial several times with the water to be tested,
then fill to the 5 ml mark (please see page 82, fig. "volume reading in sera
test vials"). Dry the vial on the outside.
dd reagent drop by drop. Shake vial gently after every drop, until the
color changes from red via brown to an intense green.
3. The number of drops used from the reagent represents the existing total
hardness (in °dGH). E.g., 5 drops = 5°dGH.
4. Cleaning: Clean the vial thoroughly with tap water before and after each test.
n kH-Test (fresh and salt water)
Carbonate hardness (KH) stabilizes the pH value. It buffers vari-
ations as caused by biological breakdown processes in aquar-
iums and garden ponds, and by plants taking up carbon diox-
ide. low carbonate hardness (below 5°dKH) causes strong pH fluctuations
(acid drop!). In community aquariums, KH values between 5 and 10°dKH
ensure a stable pH and vigorous plant growth. Cichlids from Lake Malawi and
Tanganyika prefer higher KH values. Ideal KH for saltwater aquariums is
between 8 and 12°dKH. By using sera KH/pH-plus (for freshwater), sera marin
COMPONENT 2 Ca pH-Buffer (for saltwater) or sera pond bio balance (for gar-
den ponds), you can easily achieve the desired KH level. If you want to lower
the pH value of the water, you can lower high carbonate hardness (e.g. more
then 21°dKH in a community aquarium) with sera super peat (for fresh water
aquariums) if necessary.
Directions for use: Shake reagent bottle well before using!
1. Rinse the measurement vial several times with the water to be tested,
then fill to the 5 ml mark (please see page 82, fig. "volume reading in sera
test vials"). Dry the vial on the outside.
dd reagent drop by drop. Shake vial gently after every drop, until the
color changes from blue via green to clear yellow.
3. The number of drops used from the reagent corresponds to the existing
carbonate hardness (in °dKH). E.g., 5 drops = 5°dKH.
4. Cleaning: Clean the vial thoroughly with tap water before and after each test.
combination of


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