Unusual Blood Glucose Results
If your blood glucose result does not match how you feel, check this list to help solve the problem.
Troubleshooting Checks
1. Check if the test strips were expired.
2. Check if the cap on the test strip container
was always closed tightly.
3. Check if the test strip was used immediately
after removing it from the test strip container.
4. Check if the test strips were stored in a cool,
dry place.
5. Check if you followed the directions.
6. Check if the meter and test strips are working
7. If you are still unsure of the problem ...
Discard the test strips if they are past the use by date.
Repeat the blood glucose test with an unexpired test
Replace the test strips if you think the test strip
container was uncapped for some time and repeat the
blood glucose test.
Repeat the blood glucose test with a new test strip.
Repeat the blood glucose test with a properly stored
test strip.
See Chapter 2, Testing Your Blood Glucose, and repeat
the blood glucose test. Contact Roche if you still have
Perform a control test. See Chapter 4, Performing a
Control Test, for instructions.
Contact Roche.