■ Unscrew the scale removal nozzle tap, insert the spout and pour the liquid into the
opening using the provided bottle; re-screw the tap.
■ When the "water pitcher" key stops flashing, the function is in progress.
■ Once the programmed time has expired, the emptying and cleaning of the steam gen-
erator cycle begins; at this stage, the "water pitcher" key begins flashing once again; once
it stops flashing and remains white, the cycle is finished.
The Turkish baths counter is reset once the cycle has been completed.
- Do not turn off the main switch until the scale removal cycle has finished complete-
ly, otherwise the steam generator will not be drained and washed.
- A back-up battery guarantees that the cycle will continue even if the power is cut-off. For
example, if the scale removal cycle has been in progress for 3 hours when the power supply is
cut-off; if the interruption lasts for an amount of time that, together with the previous 3 hours,
is less than 10 hours, the cycle will restart for the remaining time (3 hours of cycle + 5 hours of
interruption = 8 hours; therefore 2 cycle hours remain).
If instead the sum is greater than or equal to 10 hours, the steam generator drain and wash-
ing phase will start immediately.
- We advise always keeping a spare scale removal liquid pack.