Finding Suitable Settings for Your Espresso
You will only get a barista-grade espresso if the following three parameters are perfectly matched:
Grinding Fineness of the Espresso Powder
– The 昀椀ner the powder, the more slowly the water will run through.
– The coarser the espresso powder, the faster the water will run through the powder.
Quantity of the Espresso Powder in the Porta昀椀lter
– The more powder is contained in the porta昀椀lter, the more slowly the water will run through.
– The less powder, the faster the water will run through the powder in the porta昀椀lter.
Contact Pressure with the Tamper
– The lower the pressure when the powder is pressed down and the looser the espresso
powder remains in the porta昀椀lter, the faster the water can run through.
We recommend adopting the following procedure to 昀椀nd the perfect settings for your espresso.
To do this, you will also require kitchen scales and a small glass that can hold at least 60 ml.
Always change the grinding 昀椀neness in small increments of no more than one grinding
昀椀neness level at a time.
1. Make sure that the device is switched on and the porta昀椀lter is nicely preheated.
2. Set the grinder to grinding 昀椀neness level 15 (see the "Programming Your Own Settings"
chapter - "Setting the Grinding Fineness").
PLEASE NOTE: During operation, only twist the bean container (1) from a coarse to a 昀椀ne
setting. Otherwise the grinder (3) could be damaged or blocked.
3. Pour approx. 16 g of espresso beans into the bean container (see the "Preparation of the
Device" chapter - "Adding Espresso Beans"), grind them into the double sieve insert (21) (see
the "Preparation of the Device" chapter - "Filling the Porta昀椀lter") and press the powder down
well with the tamper.
4. Insert the porta昀椀lter with the sieve insert into the porta昀椀lter mount (10).
5. On the glass, mark the 昀椀ll level of approx. 60 ml for a double espresso and place the glass
on the storage plate (15) below the porta昀椀lter.
6. Fill the glass up to the mark (see the "Programming Your Own Settings" chapter - "Setting the
Water Quantity") and at the same time watch the pressure display (32) – the needle should
be in the section labelled "Espresso".
7. If the pressure is too low, reduce the grinding 昀椀neness; increase the grinding 昀椀neness if the
pressure is too high; repeat steps 3 to 7 until the needle is in the "Espresso" section.
8. Fill the glass up to the mark again (see the "Setting the Water Quantity" chapter) and note
the time shown on the display (27). This should not exceed 35 seconds and ideally should
be between 25 and 30 seconds.