Calibration is unavailable step to achieve quality welding. If polarity is reversed, this step must be repeated.
Step 1:
Turn the selector to SETUP position and press the OK button to access the COnFIG Setup
Step 2:
Select the CaL parameter with the left-hand encoder and select On with the right-hand
Step 3:
Press the OK button on the front panel. The display unit indicates triGEr.
Step 4:
Remove the torch nozzle.
Step 5:
Cut the wire.
Step 6:
Place the piece in contact with the contact tube.
Step 7:
Press the trigger.
Step 8:
The display will indicate the value of L (harness inductance).
Step 9:
Display the value of R using the right-hand encoder (harness resistance).
Step 10:
3.3.1. Synergic mode
The Current, Voltage and Thickness values listed for each wire feed speed setting are provided for information purposes only. They correspond to
measurements under given operating conditions, such as position, length of the end section (flat position welding, butt welding).
The unit's current/voltage display corresponds to the average measured values, and they may differ from the theoretical values.
Led indicator for program mode:
OFF: pre-welding display of instructions.
ON: Display of measurements (average values).
Flashing: Measurements during welding.
Selection of wire, diameter, gas, welding process
Select the type of wire, the wire diameter, the used welding gas and welding process by turning the appropriate switch.
Selection of the material will determine the available values for diameter, gas and processes.
If synergy does'nt exist, power source displays
Selection of welding mode, arc length and pre-welding display
Select welding mode 2T, 4T, spot, synergic and manual by using press button return (3). Arc length can be adjusted with left encoder (7) and pre-
welding display adjustement is performed with right encoder (8). The selection of pre-welding preset is performed with press button OK. (10)
3.3.2. Manual mode:
This is the disengaged mode of the welding machine. Adjustable parameters for it are wire speed, arc voltage and fine setting.
In this mode, only the wire speed value is displayed.
3.3.3. SETUP mode
Accessing the SETUP:
The SETUP screen can only be accessed when no welding is in progress, by setting the Wire Diameter selector on the front panel to position 1.
It consist in two pull-down menu :
'CYCLE' Setting for the cycle phases.
'COnFIG' Power source configuration
Configuring the SETUP:
In SETUP position, select CYCLE or COnFIG by pressing the OK button.
Turn the left-hand encoder to scroll through the available parameters.
Turn the right-hand encoder to set their value.
No welding start. All the changes are saved on exiting the SETUP menu.
nOt SYn GAS SYn, dIA SYn ou Pro SYn