6 Technical data
The technical data are shown in Figure
: Proximal system height (PSH);
7 Preparing the product for use
7.1 Information on fabrication of a prosthesis
Incorrect alignment, assembly or adjustment
Injuries due to incorrectly installed or adjusted as well as damaged
prosthetic components
► Observe the alignment, assembly and adjustment instructions.
Initial use of the prosthesis by the patient
Fall due to lack of patient experience, incorrect alignment or incor
rect adjustment of the prosthesis
► For the safety of the patient, use a suitable device (e.g. parallel
bars, handrail, wheeled walker) during initial standing and walk
7.2 Bench alignment of the prosthesis
The prosthetic components and prosthesis shown in the illustrations
are used as examples to illustrate the general process. The instruc
tions for use of the prosthetic components selected for the patient
contain detailed information and have to be used for fabrication of
the prosthesis.
► CAUTION! To enable the patient to stand safely, align the pros
thesis using the alignment images for the sagittal plane
on page 3) and for the frontal plane (Figure
page 3) as well as the instructions for use of all prosthetic com
ponents that were used.
on page 2.
: distal system height (DSH)
► Additionally, observe the following points for the bench alignment
of the prosthesis:
on page 4: Mount the prosthetic joint with its extension assist
cable as shown in the illustration.
7.3 Optimising the static alignment
► To optimise the static alignment, position the patient on the meas
uring device.
► In the sagittal plane, check the course of the load line relative to
the marked alignment reference point and correct this if needed
(see Figure
► In the frontal plane, check the course of the load line relative to
the marked points (prosthetic foot, prosthetic knee joint, spina ili
aca anterior superior) and correct if needed (see Figure
page 4).
7.4 Optimising during dynamic trial fitting
Adjusting the Settings
Fall due to incorrect or unfamiliar settings
► Only adapt the settings to the patient gradually.
► Explain the effects of the adjustments on the use of the prosthes
is to the patient.
Restore default settings
► Prior to the dynamic trial fitting, restore the factory settings as
shown in the illustrations if the factory settings have been
changed (
on page 6: Adjust gradually,
When resetting, set the axis friction gradually (45°) to minimal res
istance to motion
play .
Setting the load-related braking action (
► Set the load-related braking action as shown in the illustration.
on page 4).
on pages 5 and 6).
Minimal braking action
and then turn back slightly without creating
on page 6)