DCN Discussion System
Mains plug
The CCU is supplied with a 3-core mains
cable terminated with a 2-pole mains plug
with earth contacts (or earth pin, LBB
3500/00D-/00C) for connection to the mains
supply, and at the other end with a CEE
connector for connection to the mains socket
on the CCU (fig. 4
countries it may be necessary to replace the
mains cable with one of a local standard type.
- Live/brown
- Neutral/blue
- Earth/green yellow
CCU Mains fuse rating
The CCU mains fuse is housed in the mains
socket located at the rear of the unit.
see fig.4
. Replacement fuses are as follows:
Mains voltage
105, 115 V, 125 V a.c.
220, 230, 240 V a.c.
System limitations (Figure 13)
The maximum number of units
connected in loop-through to a single
trunk-line output on the CCU is 50
units without the use of extension
The maximum number of units
connected to all trunk-line outputs on
the CCU is 90 units without the use of
extension cables.
The maximum length of cable from the
outputs of the CCU to the last unit in
the system is 100 m (328 ft).
Note: For extendible systems, cable
lengths of up to 250 m (820 ft) can be
achieved using DCN equipment in
combination with trunk-splitters using their
regenerative tap-offs. Refer to Chapter 3 of
the DCN Installation & Operating
). For use in some
Mains fuse
T-4A (slow blow)
T-2A (slow blow)
Instructions for use
7. System initialisation
Once all units have been installed, the system
must be initialised and made ready for use The
initialisation process enables all DCN units
installed in the system to be recognised by the
CCU. Recognition is given in the form of an
address, allocated by the CCU to each active
unit in the system. A 'de-init' switch located
under each DCN unit is used to clear the
units allocated address, when conflicts with
duplicated addresses are present.
How to initialise a system (Figure 9)
Note: Step 1 is normally not required for
systems switched-on for the first time.
First-time systems are de-initialised,
therefore proceed with step 3 after
switching the CCU on for the first time.
1. On the CCU locate the push-button and
the small recessed switch (Start) under
'Equaliser'. Using a small pointed device
(e.g. paper-clip) insert the device into the
recess hole
and activate the switch
while holding down the equaliser 'Start'
switch and 'Equaliser' push-button for at
least 10 seconds after, switching on the
. Ensure its power LED is lit.
2. When not initialised, the LEDs on all active
units illuminate after completing step 1.
3. To initialise an individual unit press the
units microphone key while the units LEDs
are lit (for interpreters desk press the
'Mute' key). Once pressed the units LEDs
go out.The unit is now recognised in the
system by the CCU. Repeat this
procedure for all active units installed in
the system
5. To clear the individual address of a
delegate/chairman unit in the event of an
address conflict, press the 'de-init' switch
) of the relevant unit.