Medición UV-Vis
Before you begin...
Before taking pedestal measurements with the NanoDrop One instrument, lift the instrument
arm and clean the upper and lower pedestals. At a minimum, wipe the pedestals with a new
laboratory wipe. For more information, see
Guía del usuario de NanoDrop One
Para medir una muestra con la aplicación UV-Vis
1. En la pantalla Inicio, seleccione la ficha Personalizado y toque UV-Vis.
2. Especifique hasta
40 longitudes de onda que desee monitorizar
especificarlas más tarde) e indique si desea utilizar el ajuste automático de camino óptico
y la corrección de línea base.
3. Pipette 1–2 μL blanking solution onto the lower pedestal and lower the arm, or insert
the blanking cuvette into the cuvette holder.
Tip: If using a cuvette, make sure to
light path.
4. Tap Blank and wait for the measurement to complete.
Tip: If
is On, the blank measurement starts automatically after you lower
the arm. (This option is not available for cuvette measurements.)
5. Lift the arm and clean both pedestals with a new laboratory wipe, or remove the
blanking cuvette.
6. Pipette 1-2 μL sample solution onto the pedestal and lower the arm, or insert the
sample cuvette into the cuvette holder.
7. Start the sample measurement:
Pedestal: If
tap Measure.
Cuvette: Tap Measure.
When the sample measurement is completed, the spectrum and reported values are
displayed (see the next section).
8. When you are finished measuring samples, tap End Experiment.
9. Lift the arm and clean both pedestals with a new wipe, or remove the sample cuvette.
Cleaning the
align the cuvette light path
is On, lower arm; if Auto-Measure is off, lower arm and
(también puede
with the instrument
Thermo Scientific