Printing of measurements taken
By selecting the following key
page appears:
After confirmation of the client data entering page, by pressing key F3
report is printed comprising client data, vehicle data before and after adjustment, the
technical data of the vehicle provided by the manufacturer and any notes for the client.
By pressing key
databank" to be opened subsequently.
To access the data in the client databank, press F3
Figure 11 ).
Press key F4
same time the motorised measuring heads move to the ends of the lift and any turntables
featuring pneumatic lock/release are locked.
Key of printout example shown on successive page (Figure 13).
1 -
RAVAGLIOLI manufacturer's logo
2 -
Space for personalising workshop data
3 -
Automatically processed time of start and finish of test
4 -
Tested vehicle and owner identification details
5 -
Factory details of vehicle being tested
6 -
Tested vehicle data after adjustment
7 -
Front axle data table
8 -
Rear axle data table
9 -
Space for notes that can be entered manually
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RAVAGLIOLI S.p.A. – 40044 Pontecchio Marconi (BO) Via I Maggio, 3
on the data entering page, the following display
Figure 12
, the test performed can be also
to terminate the test. The program returns to the initial phase. At the
Tel. (+39) 051/ 67.81.511 – Fax (+39) 051/ 84.64.67
RAV TD4400
"saved" in a special "
from the initial page
/http www.ravaglioli.com
Code M0150 - rev.1.0
vehicle and
client data
a test