there are no HTF solution leaks from its compartment to the outside environment;
there are no HTF solution leaks in the cardioplegia compartment.
The maximum pressure of the cardioplegia compartment must not exceed the value indicated in Table 1 - sec� on D.
Only use tubes with dimensions compa� ble with the cardioplegia inlet/outlet connectors of the device (see Table 1 - sec� on D).
The overpressure valve ac� va� on pressure is indicated in Table 1 – sec� on D.
1. Connect the device to the cardioplegia extracorporeal circuit as shown in Figure 2.
2. Remove the protective cap from the blood inlet connector (ref. 3a in Fig. 2).
3. Connect the appropriate tube to the inlet port of the device using an aseptic technique in order to maintain sterility.
4. Remove the protective cap from the blood outlet connector (ref. 3b in Fig. 2).
5. Connect the appropriate tube to the outlet port of the device using an aseptic technique in order to maintain sterility.
6. The purge Luer-lock connector (ref. 5 in Fig. 2) must be connected to a purge line equipped with a stopcock. The purge line must
be equipped with a one-way valve to prevent backflow into the device.
7. Connect the free end of the purge line to a filtered Luer-lock connector of the cardiotomy/venous reservoir.
8. Connect an additional purge line to the overpressure valve (ref. 6 in Fig. 2).
9. Connect the other end of the overpressure valve purge line to the cardiotomy/venous reservoir.
10. Insert the YSI compatible temperature probe into the probe coupling of the device (ref. 7 in Fig. 2).
Fig. 2
1. Cardioplegic solu� on and/or oxygenator cardioplegia outlet
2. Cardioplegia pump
3. Cardioplegia heat exchanger
3a. Cardioplegic solu� on inlet connector
1. Open the purge line (ref. 5 in Fig. 2).
2. Clamp the device outlet line and start the cardioplegia pump (ref. 2 in Fig. 2) at a low flow (30-40 ml/min).
3. Wait until the air in the device has been removed. If necessary, lightly tap the device to facilitate air removal.
4. Close the purge line (ref. 5 in Fig. 2).
5. Remove the clamp from the outlet line.
6. Completely fill the circuit.
7. Stop the pump and clamp the device outlet line.
3b. Cardioplegic solu� on outlet connector
3c. HTF inlet connector
3d. HTF outlet connector
4. Quantum Heater-Cooler System
Instruc� ons for use
5. Purge line
6. Overpressure valve
7. Temperature probe
8. Connec� on line with cardioplegia cannula
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